
Hi 39°f / 30°f (base/top)
Lo 24°f / 18°f (base/top)
Sky Condition:
Partly cloudy and becoming steadily colder on VERY strong winds as skies cloud up through the morning. Snow showers develop by late morning/ afternoon, mostly light to start but increasing. Snow becomes heavy mainly after midnight (big band of rain and snow moves through, some time around/ before sunrise).
Partly cloudy and becoming steadily colder on VERY strong winds as skies cloud up through the morning. Snow showers develop by late morning/ afternoon, mostly light to start but increasing. Snow becomes heavy mainly after midnight (big band of rain and snow moves through, some time around/ before sunrise).
Snow likely.
Snow Potential
6 to 10 inches of snowfall mainly overnight. Snow making potential; 20 to 24 hours of marginal up top, and 16 to 20 hours of marginal at the base.
Increasing to SW at 35 to 45 gusts to 60mph.

Hi 31°f / 22°f (base/top)
Lo 13°f / 5°f (base/top)
Sky Condition:
Cloudy with decreasing winds and progressively colder temperatures (warmest temperatures occur during the morning snow dump). Light to moderate lingering snow showers are expected, with light to moderate additional accumulation.
Cloudy with decreasing winds and progressively colder temperatures (warmest temperatures occur during the morning snow dump). Light to moderate lingering snow showers are expected, with light to moderate additional accumulation.
Snow likely.
Snow Potential
3 to 6 inches of additional snowfall (9 to 16 inches storm total). Snow making potential; 20 to 24 hours of high volume up top, and 20 to 24 hours of good to high volume at the base.
Decreasing to W/ NW at 10 to 20 gusts to 25mph.
Decreasing to W/ NW at 10 to 20 gusts to 25mph.
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