Saturday, March 5, 2011

100 Things - BBV Staff Picks

Sarah's Pick of the Day. #63. Have a snow ball fight.

If there is one way to have fun in the snow, this is it! Snow ball fights can be fun for everyone. They have somewhat of a “Domino” effect, once someone sees another get pegged unsuspectingly by those perfectly packed balls of cold; they suddenly find themselves wanting to join in on the action. However, there are a few things you should do before starting this event.
1. Access the snow first. If it’s too hard those little things can be quite painful and if it’s too soft then by the time it reaches your target it will have turned into nothing but a flake.
2. Feel out your surroundings. You want to make sure you’ve got plenty of places to duck, dodge and dive!
3. Once you’ve done those two things start stocking up on you’re ammo, find your victim and the rest is history! (I would recommend picking up the Snow ball gun at our local Kmart, for the more competitive snow ball fighter)

Winter just isn’t complete without a good old fashioned snow ball fight. So grab you’re gloves and a jacket with a little extra padding and have a snow blast!

Check out the list HERE!

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